Happening at studioMADE this September


September is upon us and ‘A i os ei di’ curated by Anthony Shapland has now drawn to a close. Thank you to everyone who visited the exhibition or took part in one of the many events.
This month studioMADE will be focussing on the following exciting announcements.

Mae mis Medi yma ac mae ‘A i os ei di’ wedi’i guradu gan Anthony Shapland bellach wedi dod i ben. Diolch i bawb a ddaeth i’r arddangosfa neu a gymerodd ran yn un o’r digwyddiadau niferus.

Y mis hwn bydd studioMADE yn canolbwyntio ar y cyhoeddiadau cyffrous a ganlyn.

The Autonomous Residency: Lauren Heckler

Next Dwylo Bach session

Coming Up: A Different View