A Different View – Golygfa Gwahanol
We are pleased to announce that curatorial intern Rosie Wyllie will curate the exhibition – ‘A Different View’ with Ann Fiona Jones and studioMADE. This will launch on Wednesday 27th September 6:30pm – 8:30pm.
A Different View brings together varied and innovative graduate artwork from across Wales.
With practices spanning ceramics and textiles to research-based installation and digital technologies, these nine artists encourage us to consider new ways of understanding the world around us.
Each artist has a strong connection to Wales, having grown up or studied here. Some artworks draw directly from urban and rural experience, reflecting on freedom and isolation in farming communities, place-bound identity and industrial heritage, as well as expressing an intangible and emotional connection to the landscape.
The exhibition demonstrates a real breadth of approaches to communicating contemporary ideas: the artworks on display explore the relationship between materiality and place, raise questions around identity and self-image, confront social and political infrastructures, and communicate the subtleties and complexities of everyday experience.
A Different View gives a platform to recent graduates’ ideas and emerging lines of enquiry. They have studied at art institutions across Wales, including Aberystwyth School of Art, Cardiff School of Art and Design, Carmarthen School of Art, Swansea College of Art UWTSD, and Wrexham Glyndŵr University. With Seren Ambrose-Ellis, Megan Bloomfield, Nandini Chandavarkar, Sarah Ground, Harri Hughes, Gweni Llwyd, Ruth Petersen, Jonathan Retallick and Ryan Saunders.
Golygfa Breifat: Dydd Mercher 27th September 6.30pm 2023
Mae studioMADE yn falch iawn o gyhoeddi ein harddangosfa nesaf: A Different View efo artistiaid Newydd o bob rhan o Gymru rhag 27/9/23 – 27/11/23
Rydym yn falch o gyhoeddi y bydd yr intern curadurol Rosie Wyllie yn curadu’r arddangosfa – ‘A Different View’ gyda Ann Fiona Jones a studioMADE. Bydd hwn yn cael ei lansio ar dydd Mercher 27 Medi 6:30 – 8:30.
Mae A Different View yn dod â gwaith celf amrywiol ac arloesol gan raddedigion ledled Cymru ynghyd. Gydag arferion sy’n rhychwantu cerameg a thecstilau i osodiadau seiliedig ar ymchwil a thechnolegau digidol, mae’r naw artist hyn yn ein hannog i ystyried ffyrdd newydd o ddeall y byd o’n cwmpas.
Mae gan bob artist gysylltiad cryf â Chymru, gan eu bod wedi cael eu magu neu wedi astudio yma. Mae rhai gweithiau celf yn tynnu’n uniongyrchol o brofiad trefol a gwledig, gan fyfyrio ar ryddid ac arwahanrwydd mewn cymunedau ffermio, hunaniaeth gaeth i le a threftadaeth ddiwydiannol, yn ogystal â mynegi cysylltiad anniriaethol ac emosiynol â’r Dirwedd.
Mae’r arddangosfa’n dangos ehangder gwirioneddol o ddulliau o gyfleu syniadau cyfoes: mae’r gweithiau celf sy’n cael eu harddangos yn archwilio’r berthynas rhwng materoldeb a lle, yn codi cwestiynau ynghylch hunaniaeth a hunanddelwedd, yn wynebu seilweithiau cymdeithasol a gwleidyddol, ac yn cyfleu cynildeb a chymhlethdodau profiad bob dydd.
Mae A Different View yn rhoi llwyfan i syniadau graddedigion diweddar a’u trywyddau ymholi newydd. Maent wedi astudio mewn sefydliadau celf ledled Cymru, gan gynnwys Ysgol Gelf Aberystwyth, Ysgol Gelf a Dylunio Caerdydd, Ysgol Gelf Caerfyrddin, Coleg Celf Abertawe PCYDDS, a Phrifysgol Glyndŵr Wrecsam. Efo Seren Ambrose-Ellis, Megan Bloomfield, Nandini Chandavarkar, Sarah Ground, Harri Hughes, Gweni Llwyd, Ruth Petersen, Jonathan Retallick a Ryan Saunders.